There is someone crazy who loves me
Being angry at the whole world trusts only me.
No need is there for love of the whole world
Only she loves me that much.
There is someone crazy who loves me a lot.
When i get offended she cries
When i show the love she smiles
She expects nothing from me
Without any wish of return
She showers her love for me.
Words get alive on the paper
When she becomes makeup of my pen
There is someone crazy who loves me a lot.
Love glances in her fights
Oneness glances in her stubbornness
When she yells at me in her anger
Then too my heart feels safe.
That beauty becomes even more memorable
When she grizzles while hugging me
There is someone crazy who loves me a lot.
She doesn't know makeup and decoration
She doesn't know how to show her happiness
Whatever i say, is true to her
I am wrong, she doesn't believe that
She drowns even more in heart's depths
When she hugs me and accept my decision
There is someone crazy who loves me a lot.
Buds of my heart open up with her smile
Lost paths are found by gestures of her eyes
Heart to heart journey is covered up
Whenever our eyes meet.
Painting of life seems colourless
When that crazy undergoes different street
There is someone crazy who loves me a lot.
She gets angry when i talk to others
I am her's only, she displays her authority over me
She always points out my defects
She praises me in front of her friends
Her being with me becomes more romantic when she
Saying you are so lovely, pull me up in her arms
There is someone crazy who loves me a lot.
Whenever i think of something to write
She is all whom i can remember
Whenever i think of talking to someone
She is all whom i can remember
Before sleeping and after just waking up
She is the only one whom i can remember
She crosses the dark streets of my dreams happily
There is someone crazy who loves me a lot.
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